

What is a Sunday Like?

Once a month on every 3rd Sunday, all of the Evergreen Missional Communities gather (in Chelsea, MI) together to celebrate God’s action in our lives, contemplating the mystery of faith, seek the presence of the Lord as a corporate community, and are equipped for mission through teaching, singing, prayer, and testimonies. This first half of the gathering lasts about 1 hour and 15 minutes, followed by a potluck community meal for intentional conversations and encouraging one another in love and good deeds for 45-60 minutes.

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All Community Gathering

Pinecones Children Ministry

New to our ACG we have a children ministry program set up during ACG service! Parents sign in their children before service starts. Kids will start with parents in the sanctuary for music, and will be dismissed with their teachers to a classroom. Parents will pick up their kids before communion starts to join the end of the service.


What do our weekly Missional Communities look like?

Missional Communities (MCs) are the primary weekly gatherings of Evergreen. They are an extended family of disciples and seekers sharing life together, supporting one another as everyday missionaries while seeking the Kingdom of God and extending Jesus’ love to their city. We currently have four missional communities: Ann Arbor, Brighton, Milan, and Ypsilanti!

  • Each gathering begins with a shared potluck meal and time for general conversation. During the meal, facilitators lead the group (or groups depending on size) through a selection of questions and everyone is encouraged to share stories of how they have seen God working in their lives over the last week. As people share their experiences, hearts, joys, and burdens with the group, we give thanks, encourage, and pray for each person as the Holy Spirit leads. Children are welcome and encouraged to participate in answering questions and sharing about their experiences as well!

  • Following the meal, the group continues worship by transitioning to a directed time of open sharing. Facilitators will communicate the main focus or core practice we will be participating in which varies from week to week. The facilitators will be prepared with a short teaching and songs, and everyone is encouraged to “bring and share” a thought, story, or suggestion as they are moved by the Holy Spirit. We conclude each gathering with the eucharist (communion) and sending out to live as everyday missionaries where we live, work, and play.

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One of our Ypsi Missional Community gatherings